Friday, May 30, 2014


Summer vacation

Its summer time. We always look for air conditioner all the time.
Here are the tips to hydrate ourselves naturally :)

*Intake of green vegetables will be very good for this hot and humid climate.
* Drink a lot of water. (at least 6 -8 glasses of water a day)  It will keep you hydrated and cool.
*Intake of fruits especially which has CITRIC ACID like oranges and lemons will be really effective on this summer.
* If you want to enjoy sun, you will be scared over harsh effect on skin. Don’t worry. Apply sunscreen before stepping out from the house( 20 mins before)
*Some homemade tips for a flawless skin during summers:

     +Turmeric (  known as kasthuri manjal) can be mixed with milk or curd(which has lactic acid ) and make it into a paste. Now apply on the face leaving sensitive parts like mouth and eyes, keep it for 15-20 minutes and wash it with lukewarm water and you will see good results.

      +Fuller’s earth ( Popularly known as multhani matti ) is a kind of natural mud which can be used for treatments on skin. Mix multhani matti with rose water and apply it on the face . leave it for 15-20 minutes. Wash it with lukewarm water. Oily skin people can be used often for greater results.

        +I am going to share one of most effective tip which was shared by one of my friend ( my nice sister too ) :)
Mix turmeric , besan( gram powder)and horse gram powder( kollu paruppu) with curd or yogurt .Make it into a fine paste. Apply it on the face  leaving sensitive parts like mouth and eyes. Keep it for the same duration as mentioned in the above. It will be really effective. You can see good results within a month.
 Scrubbing : You can scrub your face and body by using sugar granules and lemon juice. Mix the sugar granules and lemon juice . Now , apply it on the exposed skin over the sun. Massage it with circlular motions followed by up-down movements using your fingertips. Wash it with lukewarm water after 15 minutes and you will have instant glowing skin.:)
 I hope you enjoyed the post :)
Happy summer :)

I know its quite late .. almost summer is over but still we can use this tips for flawless skin :)

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